celebrate handmade

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday was a bust. I started out well, putting things away in my sewing room & getting fired up for the Avo Festival, but after breakfast I started feeling queer. Thought I was going to throw up, so I headed back to bed where Alan was watching the Cubs game. I fell asleep when the score was 13-3 Cubs & woke up about 5:30. Day shot! Ah, well, tomorrow is another day & I'm ready to do the hand stitching on my applique block.


MoxyIdeas said...

Would those be last season's Saving Grace episodes? I home I'm not missing new ones - I also love that show. And The Closer. Awesome.

Jay said...

Those are last season's Grace. The new season starts in JULY!! I'm so pumped, & can't believe I waited this long to watch the first season. Loved it, loved it, LOVED IT!