celebrate handmade

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's late, but I had to add a postscript to my earlier post. Our horsey visit was a huge success: all the kiddoes got to ride Grady, & I've accepted an invitation to ride him myself in the fall & winter. The bad news? Grady spooked with 2 little ones on his back. One of them was caught by her overalls, but the other face-planted in the well-rotted manure of the paddock. He's fine; confidence a little shaken, but he's already talking about the next time. He's a trouper, that one. I, on the other hand, didn't fare as well. I was holding the lead when ol' Grady shied, & in trying to keep him steady, got a nasty rope-burn....& broke a finger! Not good timing, what with a cross-country trip in 3 days, followed by 3 weeks with the Grands. This summer just isn't turning out the way I'd planned. Ah, well.

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